Blackwater Charters
With Capt. Scott Hughes
I had a brand new 2010 24ft Threadfin bay style tarpon fishing boat built during the winter of 2009. It was put into service in April of 2010. These are some of the construction photo's.
From April through October we'll most likely fish out of my 2010 24ft Threadfin tower boat custom built for targeting tarpon. It is be powered by a 300 Hp fourstroke outboard. This versatile tarpon boat allows me to run well offshore in search for tarpon and other deep water species. Although geared toward bay and nearshore fishing, the 24ft Thread Fin can run in less than a foot of water on the flats when targeting redfish, snook and trout. With an open layout and padded gunnels the boat is perfect for fighting big fish. I utilize a bow trolling motor to intercept cruising tarpon schools on the beaches, on the flats of Pine Island Sound or Charlotte Harbor . It is also good for easing across a grass flat for trout, slowly pitch a mangrove edge for snook. It also has a Powerpole shallow water anchor which helps position the boat for fishing in shallow water.
Center console
Leaning post live well. 40 gallons
The inner liner for the deck.
Porta bracket for engine setback and shallow running capabilities.
Control box, and belly pads for tower
Hard top, sunshade and rod holders for sight fishing from tower.
24 ft Threadfin (tarpon fishing and bay boat) pics
In addition to the Threadfin I have a 2005 21 ft Shallow Sport (Texas Style) flats boat rigged with a 200 hp outboard and a 36 volt bow mounted trolling motor. The Shallow Sport is used mostly for flats fishing during the months November through March for flyfishing or sight fishing in very shallow water for tailing redfish, snook, speckled trout and flounder. It also has a huge custom baitwell that is excellent for live bait fishing for snook and redfish. It can handle up to four anglers plus myself and easily poles in 8 inches of water.
21 ft Shallow Sport (Texas Style) flats boat
In addition to the bay and flats boats I also use a 15ft Sylvan aluminum wide beam jon boat for deep water duck hunting trips. This boat is powered by a 25 hp Mercury outboard and has the advantage to going through the shallow swamp and heavy grass beds of Lake Okeechobee. For shallow water duck hunting I have two airboats. My main airboat is a 14ft Airgator aluminum airboat powered by a 0-540 Lycoming aircraft engine.
AirGator airboat with three limits of blue wing, green wing and Florida mallard
I am sponsored by quality companies like Bradford White Corporation, Precision Tackle (spoons, spinner baits and cork rigs) and American Rodsmsiths fishing rods. Spinning reels are all made by Penn and conventional reels for tarpon fishing are made by Accurate. I rely on quality live bait to catch trophy sized tarpon, snook, redfish and sharks. Most of the time I cast net sardines and herring. The nets that I choose to use are manufactured Calusa Trading Company. I also use Owner circle for snook, redfish and other flats fish and J hooks when pitching crabs for tarpon. Be confident that you'll be using up to date and reliable tackle and equipment.
To Book a Fishing Trip Call : (941)575-2389
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