Blackwater Charters
With Capt. Scott Hughes
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Here are some some early photo's that customers have sent me from 2005
This is a very unlikely catch. I caught the 5-pound mullet on a plastic
tube rigged on a 1/4 oz jig head while fishing the a redfish tournament in Tampa
Bay. Mullet usually only feed on algae.
Scott Eden got top snook honors for the month of Feburary with this one that
hit a Exude RT slug.
Luke Hellerman and myself with his early March snook in the 10,000 Islands.
Triple tail off Marco Island.
This was the first tarpon of the 2005 season. I estimated it to be around
150-pounds and was caught with a live threadfin herring in the 10,000 Islands.
This is one of two nice Boca Grande Pass tarpon caught by Kevin Clark
of England. (June)
This another pic of the fish above being revived to fish another day.
This 22-pound permit took a live crab a few miles off Marco Island.
Triple tail are usually caught near floating structure in the bay and
offshore. This one near Sanibel was 9-pounds.
This 23-pound Boca Grande snook is a personal best for me with artificial
lures. She hit a Exude RT slug rigged on a Norton 1/4 oz jig head.
A personal best deserves a few more pics!
A double hook-up on tarpon near Boca Grande Pass.
It results in a 2 for 2.
This 17-pound snook is well over the maximum limit of 34 inches.( Marco
Now that's a big Tarpon!
Another photo of the same tarpon.
The release.
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